Mentor Models


A mentor model should be chosen or developed to meet the needs of a specific unit or individual. The options below include traditional approaches as well as models developed by other institutions that pulled strategies from multiple sources to create paradigms appropriate to their needs and context.

Leadership: 2018-19 Big Ten Academic Alliance ALP Fellows Announced

We are thrilled to announce MSU’s cohort of fellows in the 2018-19 Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Program (BTAA-ALP)!  They are:

  • Kendra Spence Cheruvelil – Professor of Fisheries &

Engaging with Faculty and Academic Staff on Retirement

This program was designed for MSU Deans, Chairs, and Faculty Excellence Advocates to discuss strategies for engaging about retirement issues with faculty and academic staff within your unit.  Legal restrictions and MSU’s policies were also  provided as guidelines to follow when interacting with academics on retirement.