
Each year, the Academic Advancement network offers a series of programs on a range of topics. We’ve included select resources related to these events below for your ongoing reference. We will continue to develop this list as the programs occur.

Materials are current as of the date presented.

Program Materials from 2019-20 Leadership Institute Sessions

MSU Budget Basics: September 20, 2019

Faculty and Academic Staff Performance Reviews plus Reappointment, Promotion, & Tenure: Friday, January 31, 2020

Examples of Review Forms

Pertinent Policies from Human Resources Handbooks

Working with Support Staff: Friday, February 21, 2020

Working with Support Staff Presentation Slides

Leadership Myths Handout

Performance Excellence Website: Includes general information, supervisor tools, training information, forms, etc.

Professional Development Courses from HR Organization & Professional Development: Updated regularly to add new dates and offerings.  Register for programs in EBS. Departmental programs can be requested.

New Supervisor Essentials Course

elevateU Online learning: Thousands of online books, videos and classes available to MSU employees at no cost. can be accessed through EBS/My Career & Training, or directly through this link (use Net ID & password to enter):

The required class Performance Excellence for Supervisors can be found in elevateU under Library/Performance Excellence/Required courses, or by following this link once signed in:

General HR information:

Discipline, Relationship Violence & Sexual Misconduct (RVSM), and Sexual Harassment, March 27, 2020

Protocol for the Coordination of Reported Violations of the RVSM and ADP Between OIE, AHR, OER, OCR and Unit Leadership

OIE Notification Intake Protocol Used by AHR

Discipline Protocol Used by AHR

Protocol Contact Information

Prevention Outreach and Education (POE) Faculty & Staff Resource Guide

Discipline and Dismissal for Cause

Prioritizing and Time/Email Management, April 10, 2020

Session Recording

Sample Calendar Guidelines

Resources from MSU HR Source:

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD):

  • NCFDD Resources: COVID-19
    • You will need to log-in to NCFDD to access these resources.  If you have not already created an account, MSU has an institutional membership that will provide you with free access.

Resources on Microsoft Teams

  • Spartan 365 Sharepoint Help & FAQ: Teams

Introduction to Microsoft Teams for Academic Leaders, May 14, 2020

Session Recording