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Found 517 Results

Resources for Difficult Dialogues in the Classroom

The climate in the classroom has the potential to be difficult at various points of a semester. The following resources were curated with the collaboration of the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives

Resources for Mentor Professional Development

Entering Mentoring

Entering Mentoring is a process-based mentor training curriculum developed at the University of Wisconsin and currently being used with academics across career stages and disciplines. This curriculum is being disseminated through the NIH-supported National Research Mentoring Network and can be downloaded free of charge once you create an account,

Resources on Accessibility

Commitment to Accessibility

Michigan State University is committed to providing inclusive and accessible learning experiences for all students.  However, not all digital technology and classroom content is automatically usable in an equally effective way by all of your students;

Ricardo Guimaraes

Ricardo is an Academic Specialist – Professor of Practice at the Department of Media and Information, at the College of Communication Arts and Sciences. With a background in Fine Arts and over 20 years of Teaching experience,

Rob Roznowski: Centralizing Resources for Student Mental Health

Rob Roznowski is the head of acting and directing in the Department of Theatre. As an AAN Leadership Fellow last year, he created a central resource for faculty to help their students access mental health resources.

Robert Malinowski

Assistant Professor Robert Malinowski works in the College of Human Medicine’s Office of Medical Education, Research and Development (OMERAD). He is the Associate Director of Assessment and a member of the Just in Time Medicine curriculum development team.

Robert Malinowski: Exploring the Competency-Based Review Model of CHM

Assistant Professor Robert Malinowski works in the College of Human Medicine’s Office of Medical Education, Research and Development (OMERAD). As  a recent Lilly Fellow, Rob sought to learn more about the competency-based review process within the College of Human Medicine.

Robey Shah

Robey B. Shah is an Assistant Professor in the Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health and the Department of Family Medicine in the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University.

Ron Hendrick

Ronald L. Hendrick is dean of the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR).

Hendrick, a Spartan alumnus, served as interim vice president for agricultural administration and interim dean for the College of Food,

Roozbeh Dargazany

Dr.  Dargazany is the recipient of ACS new investigator award, and two times recipient of Air Force summer faculty fellowships for his work on polymer degradation. His research has been supported by many industrial powerhouses,