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Found 535 Results

“Critical Friends” Peer Mentoring for Department Chairs, School Directors, and Associate Deans of Non-Departmentally Organized Colleges


This opportunity is open to all department chairs, school directors, associate deans in non-departmentally organized colleges and directors of academic programs similar to departments/schools.

This program will focus on developing a community of peers,

(Re)Establishing Your Professional Identity

As we walk into mid-semester, the flurry of activity has captured us in so many ways. The to-do list is longer – or just transferred from week to week,

#ITeachMSU Talks

The #ITeachMSU Talks are a series of breakout-style sessions focusing on a variety of topics centered around teaching and learning. Sessions will vary in style, facilitators, and size, but are intended to create a space for dialogue around teaching and practice for student success.

2017 New Administrator Orientation

Day One
Program Overview: Introduction

Theodore H. Curry II, thcurry@msu.edu, Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Human Resources

The Provost’s Perspective  

June Pierce Youatt, 

2017 Research Orientation

This session was a collaboration between the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies and the Academic Advancement Network.

2017 Research Orientation Materials

2017 Teaching and Learning Spring Conference

May 9-11, 2017

All MSU academics who teach were invited to the first annual Teaching and Learning Spring Conference. Our goal was to showcase the innovative and transformative teaching of MSU educators who enhance the greater community,

2017-18 AAN resources from Leadership Institute and New Chairs sessions


Each year, the Academic Advancement network offers a series of programs on a range of topics. We’ve included select resources related to these events below for your ongoing reference.

2018 New Administrator Orientation


Developing Leadership and Administrative Excellence: A Workshop for New Academic Administrators

August 7, 8 and 14, 2018
Henry Center for Executive Development, 3535 Forest Rd., Lansing, MI 48910
Room B-106-107

(Note: all meetings begin with a continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m.,

2018 Teaching & Learning Spring Conference and Student Success Summit

Teaching & Learning Spring Conference and Student Success Summit

The MSU Teaching and Learning Conference and the Student Success Summit in early May, 2018, leveraged the campus community’s collective skills and knowledge about teaching,