Tags: Executive Managers

2023-2024 Creating and Sustaining a Respectful Work Environment Series

This series of workshops is intended for leaders (executive managers, deans, directors, chairs, and supervisors, level 12-17) from across the University to work together to improve the current climate and culture in their units and across the greater campus community.



This series of pages on mentoring is designed to provide ideas and resources related to mentoring, particularly for faculty and academic staff.  It is critical that each of these individuals on our campus has access to the information and support they need to be successful.

Welcome to the new AAN website!

We hope you will find it both visually appealing and highly functional. We have added current material highlighting the work across our four nodes, which are devoted to Academic Career Paths,

2017 New Administrator Orientation

Day One
Program Overview: Introduction

Theodore H. Curry II, thcurry@msu.edu, Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Human Resources

The Provost’s Perspective  

June Pierce Youatt,