Conversations during challenging times or on difficult topics can often benefit from guidance by a skilled professional. The Academic Advancement Network, Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives, WorkLife Office, and Graduate School at MSU are working together to develop a pool of individuals to facilitate conversations.
We hope you will find it both visually appealing and highly functional. We have added current material highlighting the work across our four nodes, which are devoted to Academic Career Paths,
In addition to the presentation slides based on our October, 2017 Leadership session on Supporting the Development of Academic Staff and Fixed-Term Faculty, these books were listed as resources.

Strong leadership is essential for organizational success. Michigan State University is pleased to offer the Executive Leadership Academy (ELA), which provides opportunities for high quality cross-campus leadership development and dialogue.
These sessions provide the President and Provost the opportunity to speak with deans, directors, chairs, executive managers, and staff supervisors level 15-17, to promote ongoing communication and to discuss current issues,
There are many additional resources you may access, offered through MSU’s institutional partnership with national and regional organizations. Please take advantage of these opportunities.
Academic Career Paths
NCFDD offers live and recorded webinars,
The Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development is organized around four nodes, each covering a topic that is crucial to the development of the careers of faculty and academic staff.
A range of skills and responsibilities are critical to administrative roles, which commonly involve a blend of leadership, management, and service. These skills and responsibilities will form the foci for training and mentoring to be provided by the Leadership Node,