I could use a little help as a supervisor/administrator/leader, where can I go?

HR offers programming and services, and are available to both academic and support staff employees. The Academic Advancement Network (AAN) also has a variety of options.

What are the definitions for commonly used MSU acronyms?

A list of many associated with research are at this website. If there is one you do not find here, please send an email to the AAN office at AANcomm@msu.edu.

What university-level awards are available, and what are the processes for nomination?

Information on the All-University Awards is available. Please note that materials must be submitted through the colleges, and they each will have their own requirements related to process and timing. Please consult with your college long before the university deadline.

An additional award is available for exemplary work in academic leadership at the ranks of department chair, school or unit director, assistant dean, or associate dean, sponsored by a generous gift from Dr. Elizabeth Simmons and Dr. R. Sekhar Chivukula. An individual will be selected annually on the basis of consistently demonstrated excellence in academic leadership, including the dimensions of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Nominations will be requested by the Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Development each spring semester.

What is the difference between ‘fixed-term’ and ‘adjunct’ faculty?

“Fixed-term” applies to an individual who is hired for pay to perform specific duties during a defined period (commonly one year, but can be longer or renewed). The appointments can be on either an academic year or annual basis, depending on whether the work will occur over the summer. “Adjunct” refers to a no-pay assignment, and is often used for individuals who provide advice to units, for example as an additional, external participant on a graduate student committee.

What is the difference between appointments as a ‘postdoc’ vs. ‘research associate’?

University Communities often uses the term “post-doc” for this employee group; however “research associate” is the position title used within the MSU academic employment system and is distinct from a postdoctoral fellow. Both titles describe individuals who have received their Ph.D.’s and work on scholarship, mentored by one or more faculty members. At MSU, postdocs have been awarded their own funding, for example via a fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, and are not employees of the university. Research associates are paid by MSU accounts (including contracts or grants), and are considered MSU academic employees.

If a fixed-term faculty member has some teaching responsibilities as well as other duties not directly related with teaching, what is the relationship to the Union of Non-Tenure Track Faculty (UNTF)?

The percentage in the UNTF (and corresponding union dues) follows that of the teaching appointment. So, if a fixed-term faculty member has an assignment that is 25% teaching, 50% research, and 25% outreach, the UNTF portion is 25%.

What is a ‘Research Assistant Professor’, and when should I use that appointment category rather than ‘Fixed-Term Assistant Professor’?

Information on research faculty appointments is available. This appointment category is generally intended for individuals who have already completed postdoctoral training, in fields where that is the norm.