Immediate Attention Checklist for New MSU Faculty & Academic Staff

Welcome to Michigan State University! Below you will find a checklist of tasks to complete as you begin your appointment at MSU.
Please review the full list as soon as possible.
Welcome to Michigan State University! Below you will find a checklist of tasks to complete as you begin your appointment at MSU.
Please review the full list as soon as possible.
Join us for these opportunities to learn, connect with others, and make meaningful contributions–to share excitement about one’s field with other learners, to advance the knowledge base, and to use one’s expertise to address pressing issues at MSU and in the broader society.
Follow-Up Opportunities
Various units provide supplemental information and resources or offer workshops as the new academic year begins. Below are some current supplemental orientation offerings. Upcoming professional development opportunities throughout the academic year can be found here.
Introductory Resources to Help You Acclimate
Introduction to MSU
Getting Around Michigan State University
Developing Leadership and Administrative Excellence: A Workshop for New Academic Administrators
August 5, 6 and 13, 2019
Henry Center for Executive Development, 3535 Forest Rd., Lansing, MI 48910
Room B-106-107
(Note: all meetings begin with a continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m.,
Day of Teaching and Learning
This fall, the Graduate School, in collaboration with the Academic Advancement Network and the Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology are hosting a Day of Teaching and Learning.
August 2018
At the 2018 New Administrator Orientation, the leaders of the Academic Advancement Network (AAN) asked attendees for their questions and feedback. This page contains our answers and comments.
Developing Leadership and Administrative Excellence: A Workshop for New Academic Administrators
August 7, 8 and 14, 2018
Henry Center for Executive Development, 3535 Forest Rd., Lansing, MI 48910
Room B-106-107
(Note: all meetings begin with a continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m.,
The #ITeachMSU Talks are a series of breakout-style sessions focusing on a variety of topics centered around teaching and learning. Sessions will vary in style, facilitators, and size, but are intended to create a space for dialogue around teaching and practice for student success.
Teaching Toolkit Tailgate (TTT) is a “resource fair” aimed at connecting educators across campus with practice-oriented tools, activities, and resources. In the past, TTT has been an in-person event with rooms dedicated to particular themes and individuals stationed at tables with printed “cards”.