White Spartan helmet in an MSU green disk 85% surrounded by an MSU green arrow


It is a pleasure to welcome you to Michigan State University. This is a place where teaching, research, outreach, and engagement work together in ways that will enable your success, as well as institutional success. We have been enjoying a fulfilling academic year, with all the rewarding experiences and opportunities associated with being on campus together as a community of scholars. As we prepare for the start of the spring semester, we look forward to you joining us.

Required for all full-time academics that are new to the University and contracted for 90% time or greater for two or more semesters including tenure system faculty, fixed-term faculty, librarians, health programs faculty, academic specialists in the continuing system, fixed-term academic specialists, and senior research associates. Others who are in these roles at reduced appointment levels, are not on the East Lansing campus, or are changing positions at the University are invited, but not required, to attend. Postdocs and research associates should contact the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs regarding orientations available to them. Orientation will take place in-person.

Our next in-person session will be held August 20, 2025. While our in-person session is held annually in August those joining mid-year have access to our checklist, our New Faculty and Academic Staff D2L modules and our orientation webpages.

This orientation program aims to familiarize you with our university, its values, and its expectations. It also offers an opportunity to connect with campus leaders and access valuable resources for your research, teaching and outreach programs. To get started, please refer to the New Academics Checklist, which will guide you through the initial steps of your transition.

To access the New Faculty and Academic Staff Orientation D2L site self-enroll here.

To access D2L you must have an active MSU NetID.  If you have not activated your MSU NetID you need a PIN from the ID Office. You can reach them at 517-355-4500 or idoffice@msu.edu. For 24/7 technical support or immediate assistance, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk at 517-432-6200, or by visiting their website.  If you do not yet have your NetID you can also access the New Academics Checklist from the Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development webpage.

Important Resources and Follow-Up Opportunities: Throughout the year, visit the New Faculty and Academic Staff Orientation page and our events page for supplemental information, resources, and upcoming workshops. These pages will continue to be updated as information becomes available. Please check back often.