2018-19 Leadership Fellows and Mentors. Top row, Fellows: Greg Swain, Angela Wilson, Rob Roznowski, Shelia Cotten. Bottom row, Mentors: Ron Hendrick, Thomas Jeitschko, Chris Long, Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Rachel Croson.
The second year of AAN’s Leadership Fellows program has begun, and I’m pleased to report that the new cohort is actively engaged. The fellows this year are Shelia Cotten (Media and Information), Rob Roznowski (Theater), Greg Swain (Chemistry) and Angela Wilson (Chemistry). Five of our deans are serving as mentors: Rachel Croson (Social Science), Ron Hendrick (Agriculture and Natural Resources), Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore (Honors College), Thomas Jeitschko (Graduate School), and Chris Long (Arts and Letters).
This program involves both a shadowing experience and work on a project designed to effect change in an area important to the fellow, unit of the mentor(s), and MSU more broadly. Primary goals are outlined on the website.
In addition, by matching fellows and mentors among diverse units and considering issues and leadership strategies collectively during group meetings, we are generating new connections across MSU that I hope will be beneficial for years to come.