a stack of flat stones stacked in nature

We have been through a lot. Again. How many times have we thought, felt, and said these words? Hopefully, over “break”, you gave yourself time and space to breathe, reflect, enjoy a moment with family and friends, go for a walk or just do something that wasn’t about work. I have been reminded of wisdom Lisa Laughman shared about the souls of our feet [paraphrased here] – bringing us back to grounded and always ready to help us regain our balance.

Looking towards the end of the semester post-break has never been my strong suit; there always seems so much still to do. Yet, this year, it seems even more important to keep finding the souls of my feet to help me balance and see where I want and need to go.

Away from the myriad responsibilities we all have and aspirational goals that have likely been altered in some way. We hope you choose to consider opportunities for next year that might foster supporting your growth and development in ways that build community, experiences, and deeper knowledge about teaching and learning, leadership, the university and beyond.

Among other choices, we invite you to consider fellowship and cohort programs offered through FASD, as well as those provided by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. Each in a different way provides the space for broad intellectual exploration, focused interests, peer networking, and a chance to see how one’s work is situated in the broader context of MSU and beyond. The application information and deadlines are included in this newsletter and, on our website, ofasd@msu.edu and we are happy to talk with you about any of these programs.
