
The purpose of mid-semester feedback is to collect formative feedback on your course to explore possible adjustments. Mid-semester feedback is optional.

Mid-Semester Feedback

Mid-semester feedback is a useful approach for receiving feedback on the course experience at a moment when it is possible to make adjustments. By taking part in mid-semester feedback, educators have a chance to adjust a course based on just-in-time feedback. Mid-semester feedback provides an opportunity to gain insight on the course experience, not specifically on you as the instructor. The feedback focuses on three general questions:

  1. What would students like to see more of?
  2. What would students like to see less of?
  3. What would students like to see done differently?

The mid-semester feedback is to be used with students at any moment in the class, although mid-semester is the most desired moment because students will have had enough experience to provide useful feedback, and you will still have time to make changes to the course, if necessary.

Mid-semester feedback instruments tend to be generic. We have drawn from the work of colleagues at Vanderbilt, Brown, MSU’s Broad College of Business, the College of Arts and Letters, and the College of Natural Sciences. We thank everyone for their prior work.

Additional resources

Questions/Contact Information

If you have any questions about mid-semester feedback please contact the Academic Advancement Network at AAN@msu.edu.