Ellen Moll, 2018-19 Lilly Fellow
Academic Specialist Ellen Moll is in Teaching and Curriculum Development with the Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities. Her curriculum development interests include interdisciplinary and integrative pedagogy, faculty development, online pedagogy, general education, diversity in the curriculum, and community-based learning. Recent courses have been on “Gender, Race, Technology, and Science,” “Global and Multicultural Identities in Contemporary Literature and Film,” “Remix and Transmedia Narratives,” “Asian American Drama and Film,” and “Nature, Culture, Identities in Ancient Greek Literature, Art, and Science,” and “Art, Technology, and Society.” Other interests include feminist technoscience, theories of interdisciplinarity, contemporary drama, social media analysis, and digital humanities. She also organizes a reading group for socially engaged pedagogy (all instructors welcome!).
Ellen’s Ph.D. training was in Comparative Literature at the University of Maryland, and her dissertation was titled, “The Transdisciplinarity of Comparative Literature: The Boundaries of Gender, Technoscience, Literature and Visual Culture.” Her undergraduate education, double majoring in English and Math, was here at MSU. This fall, she will be presenting a paper on “Identity, Difference, and Interdisciplinary Pedagogy: Integrating the Sciences into Undergraduate Humanities Courses” at the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies Conference. Recent publications include “‘Nothing Is How It Used to Be’: Gender and Diasporic Identities in Adebayo’s Moj of the Antarctic and Iizuka’s 36 Views” in the journal Comparative Drama and “A Network or a Line?: Gender, Technology, and Cyberfeminist Figurations of Time” in Rhizomes.