My career in education began almost thirty years ago with a part-time position teaching English as a Second Language at a private school in South Texas and has since awarded me opportunities for personal and professional exploration and growth. I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures and am happy to have joined in this fall 2019 semester the Center for Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities.
Since my early career start, I have earned an Ed.D. in Higher Educational Leadership (minor in Adult Education) and focused my research interests on supporting and working with marginalized students, teacher transformation experiences and opportunities for faculty, and supporting and expanding literacy in K-12 and higher education.
I designed and am in the third year of leading a longitudinal, teacher transformation project (and MSU Learning Community), Transforming Teaching Through Reflective Writing Experiences (TTTRWE), and our second book will be published in September (2019). Our first publication, Transforming teaching through reflective writing experiences: Reflections of Michigan State University Writing Faculty (2018) was recognized at the Stanley C. and Selma D. Hollander Faculty Book Collection at the MSU Libraries (April 2019) and is available at the MSU Library.