Assistant Professor and Director of Online Learning Jonathan R. Weaver works in the Psychology Department at Michigan State University.
He earned his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of South Florida. His research has primarily explored the beliefs about manhood and the implications for men’s physical aggression, risktaking behaviors, attitudes towards gay men, and romantic relationships. Specifically, his past research has focused on the precariousness of manhood status and the consequences that follow from a manhood threat. Another area of research he is interested in involves interpersonal relationships and the role that shared negative attitudes toward a third party other promotes feelings of closeness and familiarity more effectively than shared positive attitudes. Other, recent, questions revolve around pedagogical strategies and include: What can be done to improve note taking in the classroom? Is it possible to create an active and engaged learning environment for 600+ people? How can instructors approach difficult, emotionally charged, subjects in the classroom?
In his spare time, Jonathan enjoys family adventures with Brittany (his partner), his two funny and beautiful kids (Eldon and Declan), and the goofy family dog (Ernest “Ernie” H. Weaver).