As new faculty, academic staff, and administrators begin their MSU career, the OFASD provides orientation sessions and materials to help them learn how to navigate the university community. During these sessions, participants have the opportunity to meet members of their peer cohorts, the individuals with whom they will be learning and collaborating as they transition into their new roles. They also have a chance to interact with the leaders of many campus programs and offices who can provide perspective on how those separate aspects of MSU combine to further the university’s mission.
Orientation Events
New Faculty and Academic Staff Orientation
This orientation program aims to familiarize you with our university, its values, and its expectations. It also offers an opportunity to connect with campus leaders and access valuable resources for your research, teaching and outreach programs.
Required for all full-time academics that are new to the University and contracted for 90% time or greater for two or more semesters including tenure system faculty, fixed-term faculty, librarians, health programs faculty, academic specialists in the continuing system, fixed-term academic specialists, and senior research associates. Others who are in these roles at reduced appointment levels or are changing positions at the University are invited, but not required, to attend. Postdocs and research associates should contact the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs regarding orientations available to them. Orientation will take place in-person.
New Administrator Orientation
Each August, we host an orientation for administrators who are new to their roles or new to the university. Over the course of several days, new administrators are given an overview of Michigan State University and many of the offices and units that combine to further the university’s mission. Required for all new deans, chairs, and school directors, including acting, interim, and mid-year hires. NAO may also be valuable for individuals new to other academic administrative roles (e.g., executive managers, associate or assistant provosts, associate or assistant deans, and Faculty Excellence Advocates) with responsibilities similar to a dean, department chair, or school director. Participants are expected to attend all three days.
Getting Around Michigan State University
- Campus Maps
- MSU Police Resources (Parking and Public Safety)
- Most Commonly-Used Acronyms at MSU