The ACE Women’s Network is a national system of networks within each state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, with the goal of advancing and supporting women in higher education. Each state network is led by a state chair who works with institutional representatives and at least one presidential sponsor to develop programs that identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support (IDEALS) women in higher education careers within that state.
The state networks are linked to one another through their connection with the American Council on Education (ACE) and the ACE Women’s Network Executive Council, a group of senior women executives from across the country who serve as both mentors to the state chairs and as advisers to ACE on the overall functioning of the ACE Women’s Network. State chairs also benefit from the mentorship and advice from college and university presidents and chancellors who have agreed to serve as presidential sponsors.
The Michigan American Council on Education (MI-ACE) is the professional network for Michigan women in higher education. Michigan State University is currently one of 50 member institutions within the MI-ACE Network.
MSU Contacts
If you are interested in learning more or have ideas for how MSU can build on this membership, please contact our current institutional representatives:
Meaghan Kozar, kozarmea@msu.edu, Ashley Green agreen@msu.edu, or Ann Crain at crainann@msu.edu.
Get Involved
“Meet MI-ACE”
Thursday, September 26th from noon – 1 p.m.
MI-ACE Women of Color Collaborative (WOCC) Annual Fall Networking Luncheon
Save the date for November 8th from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Washtenaw Community College, 4800 E Huron River Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48105. More information will be posted as it becomes available.
Annual Conference
The 2025 conference will be held here at MSU! Save the date for June 16-17, 2025. More information will be posted as it becomes available.
Interested in attending the conference but don’t have the funding support? Apply for the Lynette Findley MI-ACE Women’s Network Conference Scholarship Fund
More Opportunities
Professional Development Programs
Webinars, workshops, summits, and learning circles respond to current campus issues, hone professional skills, and facilitate connections among higher education leaders.
Senior-Level Leadership Shadow Program
The program allows mid-level women aspiring toward senior-level positions to learn from mentors, gain diverse institutional perspectives, and develop knowledge and skills. The program utilizes best practices from a variety of existing fellowship and job shadow opportunities to create a unique experience for select women in higher education in Michigan. All women in higher education are eligible to apply, including Tenure-system and fixed term faculty, academic specialists, and support staff. (Applications for the next cohort will be opening in late spring 2022).
Speakers and Consultants Bureau
A resource for member institutions to tap into the vast amount of expertise within the state on a wide range of topics including such areas as from Leadership Issues, Project Management, and Mentoring.
Distinguished Woman in Higher Education Leadership Award
Honorees are chosen from nominations made by the presidents or chief operating officers of Michigan ACE Network member colleges and universities early each calendar year. This award honors Michigan women who have distinguished themselves by providing outstanding leadership to women in their institutions, in their profession and in society at large. The award recognizes groundbreaking work on behalf of women that is outside the scope of the nominee’s formal faculty or staff responsibilities. Honorees have distinguished themselves as advocates for women and catalysts for change.
MI-ACE Women’s Network Women of Color Collaborative (WOCC)
WOCC offers annual meetings focusing on specific career issues and challenges that women of color encounter of programming as well as providing mentoring, ongoing communication, and in-time support for women of color in higher education across the state.
Public Policy Agenda
The MI-ACE Women’s Network demonstrates in policy and practice that it “Stands for Women in Higher Education.” The public policy agenda builds on the collective expertise of our membership as they develop leadership skills and advance, network, and support women in higher education throughout the state. The agenda creates a strategy to interact with local, state, institutional and national policymakers and elected public officials regarding these matters.
The primary goal of the public policy initiative is to create the opportunity for dialogue and to study, evaluate and advocate for opportunities that improve the institutional culture and professional environment for women and their families. There is a realization that no one organization or system can adequately address -much less begin to solve- the complex issues with which women are struggling today.