Welcome to Michigan State University! Below you will find a checklist of tasks to complete as you begin your appointment at MSU.
Please review the full list as soon as possible. This list is designed to help prepare you for your first semester and provide you with relevant resources.
Prior to Starting MSU
Relocation and Community Connections
If you are new to Michigan State University, the Greater Lansing area, Michigan, or the United States, the WorkLife Office can help connect you to campus and community resources. The WorkLife Office helps with learning the community, relocation guidance, finding childcare and eldercare, supporting your whole family, and more. Even if you aren’t new to the area, the Office has plenty of ways to help you locate the resources you need and become connected to your colleagues and your community. Email worklife@msu.edu to set up a newcomer consultation.
New Hire Paperwork
Work with your department to complete new hire paperwork. The timely filing of this paperwork will permit you to gain access to many MSU systems, including the NetID system. This paperwork may include, but is not limited to, an offer of employment, criminal background check and degree verification, an electronic I-9 form (Employment Eligibility Verification), and additional hiring documents.
Disability Accommodation
If you have a disability that affects a major life activity and believe you will need accommodations to meet the essential functions of your position, register with the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities to confidentially document and discuss your needs.
Office Logistics
Discuss with your department chairperson, school director or designee:
- Office Protocol: location, keys, departmental email, administrator support, supplies, etc.
- Scheduled faculty meetings (department or college) and expectations for attendance
- College and department-specific procedures and policies
- Teaching and other assignments for the upcoming year
Prior to Your Arrival on Campus
MSU Spartan ID Card
Incoming faculty and academic staff can acquire their MSU ID Card prior to their start date once their department has properly initiated the hiring process. Once you are on campus, call the ID Office at 517-355-4500 to determine whether or not you are eligible to have your card produced.
Your ID Card is a photo identification card and provides access to a variety of benefits and services, including but not limited to:
- Electronic building and/or door access (access provided by the Department in which you work)
- Parking gate access (provided by the MSU Police Dept. based on parking permit restrictions)
- Adding meal plans at any of the residential dining facilities at a discounted price
- Adding Spartan Cash which allows you to purchase goods at Sparty's convenience stores and other businesses listed on the website
- Access to borrow books at the MSU library
- Access to the Intramural Sports facilities
- Several discounts for services and benefits
To get your MSU ID card, you must go in person to the ID Office located in room 170 of the International Center with a government-issued photo ID such as a passport, U.S. driver’s license or state ID card, etc. Additional information can also be found at idoffice.msu.edu.
To avoid the long lines that occur during the fall semester start-up, it is highly recommended that you go to the ID Office prior to Move-In week and the first week of class.
What is a NetID? MSU NetIDs are assigned to all current faculty, staff, students and retirees. Your NetID is your personal identifier at MSU and serves as your login to many university computing and networking services. Your MSU NetID will grant you login access to MSU systems such as MSU email, library resources, online Human Resources systems, and many other campus computing and networking systems. This login access functions once MSU HR completes your hiring process and you reach your start date. However, a limited group of login services – e.g. email, wireless, and D2L – are available to incoming faculty and academic staff prior to their start date once their department has properly initiated the hiring process. To obtain information about your MSU NetID and how to activate it, please call 517-355-4500 and identify yourself as incoming faculty/academic staff. Additional information can be found at netid.msu.edu
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
After activating your MSU NetID - MSU uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) to safeguard personal and institutional data within our community by pairing something an individual has (e.g., a randomized security code) with something they know (e.g., password). An MFA credential is a method by which you receive your randomized security code. Please note: you will be prompted to set up multi-factor authentication the first time you log in to an MSU system after activating your NetID.
Enterprise Business System (EBS)
EBS is MSU's portal that displays your important employment and personal information such as salary, retirement, and benefit eligibility dates, mailing address and ZPID (personal identifier), etc. It also allows you to take action on items such as entering payroll direct deposit, W-4, emergency contact, updating mailing address, benefits enrollment, and retirement enrollment, viewing pay statements and your W-2, etc.
Upon employment, log in to the MSU EBS Portal after your MSU NetID is activated and you have registered your two-factor credential to complete the items below. Please note that NetID activation is not sufficient for login access. The login will work once the employee reaches their start date and HR has fully processed the individual’s hiring paperwork. It is recommended that individuals complete the following steps:
- Select 'My Personal Information', then 'Personal Profile' and complete the following items:
- Update W-4 Federal, State, and Local
- Update Direct Deposit
- Update Emergency Contact
- Update Address (if needed)
- Select 'My Personal Information', then 'Disability Status' and complete disability status.
- Select 'My Personal Information', then 'Veteran Status' and complete veteran status.
- Select 'My Benefits' and complete the following items that apply.
- Visit the MSU HR Benefits webpage for an overview of the benefit and retirement programs. Please contact Human Resources at (517) 353-4434 or 1 (800) 353-4434 with any questions regarding your benefits. The IRS allows 30 days to enroll in benefits based on your new hire qualifying life event. If you do not enroll within 30 days, the next opportunity to enroll in benefits is the next annual open enrollment.
- Complete Add Dependent Form to add spouse and/or children for benefit eligibility
- Enroll in Benefits: Health/Prescription, Dental, Life, FSA, and/or HSA (if enrolling spouse/child(ren), approval of the form(s) are required to add them to benefits)
- Enroll in Voluntary Benefits through MSUBenefitsPlus
- Enroll in Retirement Plans
- Review the ‘My Time & Payroll’ section. This section will include future pay statements and W-2s.
Parking Pass/Other Transportation Options
Once you have a NetID, password, and your appointment is in the payroll system you may purchase a parking pass using the Online Parking Portal. If your appointment is not yet finalized, you may purchase a one-month employee parking permit by calling MSU Parking Services at 517-355-8440. Calls are answered Monday - Friday from 8 am until 4 pm. Be sure to have your credit card, MSU ID card, and current vehicle registration when you call.
If you purchase a one-month permit, you will need to go online on or before the expiration date of your current permit to order a new permit. Employee permits are sold online by the day, week, month, or throughout the academic year.
During the Summer Semester, complimentary parking is available in lots 15, 83, 89, and 91, please refer to https://parking.msu.edu/visitor-parking/complimentary-parking for exact dates as these change each year. Click here to locate the visitor and employee parking lots. Permits are required in lots 15, 83, and 91 on the first day of Fall classes. Permits are required in lot 89 starting the Monday after Labor Day.
Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
517-355-8440 or parking.msu.edu
Note: Wait times increase in mid-August due to the number of new faculty, staff, and students. We recommend purchasing your permit online when possible.
For information regarding carpool permits click here.
Bike and Moped: MSU requires that all bicycles and mopeds be registered with campus police. Bike registration is free.
Bus: The Capital Area Transit Authority (CATA) provides free bussing on MSU's campus. Visit CATA’s website for routes and additional information.
Pay Parking: You may park and pay at meters and in the pay-by-plate lots on campus if you do not have a parking permit at $2 per hour.
Before Classes Start
Familiarize yourself with campus safety
Community Engagement – MSU Police
MSU Alert System
The Michigan State University Police Department is responsible for developing and distributing timely warning and emergency notification messages. These messages are intended to warn the community about certain crimes, severe weather, and potentially dangerous situations on or near campus.
You are automatically registered to receive email and telephone calls once you are hired and placed into the Human Resources system. You can register additional devices (home phone, cell phone, texts, other emails, etc.)
Emergency Preparedness
Review the following items within your unit/workspace:
- Business continuity plan in the event of emergency conditions due to weather, natural disaster, major utility failure, health or environmental crisis, or other unforeseen circumstances that might cause a modification or curtailment of operations
- Emergency evacuation plan
- Location of fire extinguishers and fire drill alarms
International Faculty
Check-in with the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS)
Office of International Students and Scholars: 105 International Center.
OISS is happy to provide support to all incoming J-1 scholars to MSU. Review the helpful list of steps you should take prior to your arrival and within your first few days on campus and the Life at MSU webpage to assist in your transition to Michigan State University. Some items included in these resources are:
- Social Security Number and Taxes
- Establishing credit in the United States
- Places to live (the WorkLife Office can also assist with finding places to live)
- Driving in the United States
Required/Recommended Training
New Faculty and Academic Staff Orientation
Details for the following programs will be available on the New Faculty and Academic Staff - D2L site soon, below is a preview of upcoming sessions.
- New Faculty and Academic Staff Orientation: for all faculty and academic staff who are new to MSU. This event is required for all new incoming academics that are 90% time or greater for two or more semesters on East Lansing’s campus.
- Active Violence Incident (AVI) Awareness training: Open to all staff members. Recommended for all staff members new to campus.
- Teaching and Learning Professional Development Opportunities: Suggested for all new instructors.
- SpartansLearn (Collaborative Tools Training): Open to all staff members. These ongoing training opportunities cover topics related to Microsoft 365 tools and Zoom. For information about the collaborative tools training, visit SpartansLearn or email the IT Training Team at train@msu.edu.
- Fall Educator Seminar: Open to all academic staff and faculty members (August 22-23).
Each new incoming academic will receive an invitation to register to participate in the above orientation activities. If you have not received an email to register or have any additional questions please email OFASD@msu.edu.
Visit the Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development website to learn about additional resources and development opportunities available to you in support of your career at Michigan State University.
Active Violence Incident (AVI) Awareness training
Open to all faculty and academic staff. Recommended for all academics new to campus. You can access the AVI Awareness training by logging in with your MSU NetID and password. Once logged in, click the Launch button to begin the course.
New Instructors and Researchers IT Orientation
The following information is intended to support the orientation needs of all new faculty and academic staff. Please visit our SpartansLearn page by clicking here.
New Employee Onboarding
MSU Onboarding Portal (resource for all new faculty and academic staff)
Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct (RVSM) Prevention Training
Once MSU has processed your employment with Human Resources, you will receive an email notification to participate in the required online Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct (RVSM) prevention training, which is titled Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act and Title IX-Employees. All MSU faculty and staff (including graduate teaching assistants and research assistants) are required to complete the online training program within their first 30-days of hire. For more information on MSU’s policies, resources, education programs, and opportunities to get involved, visit the website of the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance. For any questions or issues relating to the online training program, please contact the Prevention, Outreach and Education Department at empower@msu.edu. We encourage everyone to download and save their completion certificate after completing the online training.
Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion (IDI)
The Office for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion (IDI) leads and provides support for MSU’s efforts to advance a diverse and inclusive campus community. The office can provide information on a range of resources, including tips on inclusive teaching and learning strategies, dealing with hot moments in the classroom, and access to the Diversity Research Network that provides professional and social support for faculty of color and diversity scholars. Please call 517-353-3924 with questions or email inclusion@msu.edu.
DEI Foundations Module training is required for all new faculty and academic staff upon email notification from orrs.train@msu.edu.
RCPD Disability & Accommodation Training
Thank you for continuing your learning around disability with us!
MSU's Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities is committed to expanding education around disability, and we are proud to work with instructors who are lifelong learners.
This course will focus on three areas:
- Disability Education: a brief general introduction into law, history, models, study and language about disability in US culture today
- RCPD and Accommodation Implementation: an introduction to our office as well as information on several common accommodations, student and instructor responsibilities and resources
- Accessibility: best practice suggestions for creating a learning environment that is accessible to all learners, regardless of disability status
Self-enroll to begin this course https://apps.d2l.msu.edu/selfenroll/course/1975097
Some aspects of this course, particularly videos, may function better on the web browser than the mobile app.
A Mile in My Shoes VR application by co-creators Dr. Quentin Tyler and Dr. Linda Nubani creates an immersive 3D experience to demonstrate examples of actual situations many people experience every day.
Title IX
To review the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy click here.
How to Report
MSU treats all reports filed with OIE seriously. Anyone is welcome to file a report with OIE, including students, faculty, staff, and guests. Both reports involving the Anti-Discrimination Policy and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy may be filed online via the Public Incident Reporting Form or by calling OIE at 517-353-3922 between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information visit the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance.
Occupational Health Requirement
The MSU Occupational Health Clinic is available to provide necessary medical monitoring/immunizations related to occupational health risks. MSU employees working in specific environments and/or performing specific duties must comply with medical surveillance and training program requirements as mandated by Federal and State laws, regulations and/or accreditation standards.
If you are uncertain about whether or not you have any occupational health requirements, please contact MSU Occupational Health (517-353-9137 or occhealth@msu.edu), and they will determine if any job-related risks apply. If you know that you have occupational health requirements, please call and make an appointment to come in on the first day of work. All costs associated with employee health monitoring are covered by central administration and are not charged to the department. However, any fines for non-compliance will be charged to the departments.
Review Handbooks and Policies
The University has several handbooks and policies that apply to you as an employee. You can find these details by clicking HERE.
We encourage you to become familiar with the following as applicable:
- Registrar’s policy with respect to the Student Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) https://reg.msu.edu/ROInfo/Notices/PrivacyGuidelines.aspx
- Employment laws and guidelines (federal/state)
- University-wide policies and procedures
- Faculty policies and procedures
- Faculty handbook
- Union for Non-tenure Track Faculty collective bargaining agreement.
MSU Conflict Disclosures and Management Requirements
All faculty should read MSU Conflict Disclosures and Management requirements.
MSU Travel
Teaching at MSU
Syllabus Resources
The Office of the University Ombudsperson has compiled the following information to assist instructors in ensuring syllabi are in line with student rights as outlined in the Code of Teaching Responsibility. As you are creating or reviewing syllabi, we encourage you to consult the resources linked here. In addition, we would be happy to review and provide feedback or give presentations on creating inclusive and comprehensive syllabi.
Additional assistance from the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation for Creating Your Syllabus: Strategies, Resources, and Best Practices can be found here.
Desire2Learn (D2L)
D2L Brightspace (D2L) is MSU’s centrally supported learning management system (LMS). It allows instructors to create and upload course materials, share digital content, and engage with students through discussion forums, email, and announcements. D2L also provides assessment tools including quizzes, assignments, gradebook, attendance, rubrics, competencies, and class progress tracking.
Enroll in the Instructor - D2L Self-directed Training site on the D2L Training page to access how-to videos and other resources.
Ordering Course Materials
Books and other course materials are ordered through the Instructor System, which also provides access to class lists, grades, and administrative actions related to students/courses. See the section on Textbooks and Supplemental Materials.
Note: If you do not have access, please contact the department offering the course.
Michigan State University employs three systems of grading: a numerical system, a supplemental credit-no credit system, and a limited pass-no grade system.
All grades are final and may not be changed by re-examination or by the submission of additional work. For more information click here.
MSU Code of Teaching Responsibility
This document outlines policies and information regarding your teaching responsibilities at MSU.
Accessibility at MSU
Michigan State University is committed to providing equal opportunity for full participation in programs, services, and activities. Learn more about MSU’s Disability and Reasonable Accommodation Policy through the Office of Civil Rights. Access resources for creating accessible content on the WebAccess website. Visit the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) to learn more about the accommodation process at MSU and explore their list of resources that promote and advance accessibility across campus.
Student Privacy Rights
Michigan State University ("the University") maintains student education records and is responsible for their access to and release in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g ("FERPA"). It is the policy of the University to comply with FERPA.
Michigan State University Access to Student Information is printed in the Academic Programs catalog.
FERPA Training:
A training module regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is now available in Desire2Learn (D2L). To complete the module, please log in to d2l.msu.edu and self-register for the course titled "FERPA for MSU staff and faculty."
Technology Resources for Faculty & Instructors
The Writing Center at Michigan State University provides one-on-one and group writing consultations, various writing-specific workshops, as well as writing groups for graduate students and faculty. We have locations across MSU’s campus serving the needs of all students and campus communities.
Scheduling a Consultation
To schedule a teaching consultation please contact the Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development at OFASD@msu.edu.
Mid-Semester Feedback
The purpose of mid-semester feedback is to collect formative feedback on your course to explore possible adjustments. Mid-semester feedback is optional. The feedback comes to you only and is not used for administrative review purposes. For more information click here.
Technology Resources for Faculty & Instructors
Learn how research resources can help you in your academic pursuits.
Research at MSU
Office of Research Regulatory Support
The Office of Research Regulatory Support (ORRS) has highly trained staff to support faculty in complying with local, state, and federal guidelines. ORRS is comprised of multiple units focused on regulatory areas: Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), Campus Animal Resources (CAR), Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), Human Stem Cell Research, Export Controls and Trade Sanctions (ECTS), Conflict Disclosure and Management (CDM), Information, Communication, and Training Technology (ICT), and Native American Graves and Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA – with the Office of Provost). Unit websites contain guidance on processes for experimental oversight, registration of research materials and protocols, and all required training. You will need to have your MSU NetID activated to access the online training. Which units you interact with is dependent on your specific research and funding agency.
Wet Labs: PIs should schedule a new researcher orientation meeting https://ehs.msu.edu/lab-clinic/index.html with EHS to identify experimental and laboratory hazards and relevant requirements, including training and registrations. Additional training and information regarding protocol and material registration include:
- Biosafety: https://ehs.msu.edu/lab-clinic/bio/index.html
- Radioactivity: https://ehs.msu.edu/lab-clinic/rad/index.html
- Chemical Safety: https://ehs.msu.edu/lab-clinic/index.html
Animal Research: Research faculty should access the required training and the necessary Animal Care orientation for using MSU campus animal facilities at https://animalcare.msu.edu/training/orientation.html. Additionally, research protocols https://animalcare.msu.edu/iacuc/must be completed and submitted for review and approval by the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) prior to beginning research.
For importing animals from other institutions, export of animals from MSU, and quarantine requirements, an import/export request form must be filled out and submitted. Forms can be found at: https://animalcare.msu.edu/forms/index.html. For assistance with this process contact carvets@msu.edu or call 517-353-5064.
For additional sources of animal information please contact IACUC/CAR at https://animalcare.msu.edu/contacts/index.html
- IACUC info: https://animalcare.msu.edu/iacuc/index.html
- Campus Animal Resources rates and services: https://animalcare.msu.edu/car/experts-services-equipment/index.html
- Please email carinfo@msu.edu with any questions.
Human Research: Research faculty doing any projects that involve research and/or clinical investigations with human subjects conducted by MSU faculty, staff, and students, are required to submit an MSU IRB protocol for review and determination prior to initiating the human research activity https://hrpp.msu.edu/.
This includes any human research projects that are still active from your previous affiliation. Appropriate training modules must be completed https://hrpp.msu.edu/training/index.html. More information for new faculty about human research requirements can be found at: https://hrpp.msu.edu/help/new-faculty.html.
Human Stem Cell Research: All projects involving human embryonic stem cell research and/or certain kinds of human induced pluripotent stem cell research conducted by MSU faculty, staff, and students require MSU Institutional Stem Cell Research Committee approval prior to initiating the activity. Please visit the Institutional Stem Cell Research website for more information, https://stemcellresearch.msu.edu/.
Research Involving Export Control or Trade Sanction regulations: The Office of Export Controls and Trade Sanctions should be contacted for oversight and guidance for compliance with the federal regulations https://exportcontrols.msu.edu/.
Conflict Disclosure and Management: Faculty members must annually disclose all significant financial interests and other opportunities for tangible personal benefit. Disclosure is also required prior to submitting any Public Health Service (PHS), National Science Foundation (NSF), or Department of Energy (DOE) funded proposal. The Office of Conflict Disclosure and Managements assists researchers with identifying, disclosing, and managing their conflicts to comply with local, state, and federal regulations. For more information, including training and disclosure guidance, use the link: https://cdm.msu.edu or email fcoiio@msu.edu.
Compliance Training: Training enrollment, delivery, and tracking for regulatory and policy compliance is located in the Ability learning management system. You will be automatically assigned to some subjects and can self-enroll yourself in other topics specific to your research, funding, and roles at the University. Supervisors can also assign training to their subordinates within Ability. Visit orrs.msu.edu/train/ for frequently asked questions and contact information.
Additional links and information on research training and protocol/material registrations can be found at https://orrs.msu.edu/click/index.html. If additional research materials (e.g. biopsy/tissue samples, chemicals, etc.) are being brought to MSU, then MSU Technologies should be contacted to assure that Material Transfer Agreements and Data Use Agreements are in place. Please visit the MSU Technologies website to learn more or contact someone for assistance at https://innovationcenter.msu.edu/tech-transfer-commercialization/.
MSU Technologies (MSUT)
Intellectual Property: In the event you will transfer materials, data, and/or intellectual property for use in your research at MSU, please contact MSU Technologies (MSUT) at technologies.msu.edu. MSUT is MSU’s technology transfer office and is responsible for finalizing Material Transfer Agreements or Data Use Agreements that will allow the transfer of these materials from your prior laboratories to MSU and your continued use of these assets in your research activities. Additionally, if you previously developed inventions (whether licensed or still available for licensing), MSUT will collaborate with your former institution to develop efficient management and commercialization strategies in the event technologies you develop at MSU are related to your previous inventions. Finally, if you have a startup company, please contact MSUT to discuss the extent of your interactions with that company, including anticipated interactions while at MSU.
Sponsored Proposals, Awards, and Award Management at MSU - Pre/Post Award Processes:
- Most departments/colleges provide assistance locally to faculty and then staff work with the central offices:
- Pre-award support - Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), or Business Connect for industry funding (when not ultimately from a Federal or State funding source).
- Post-award support- Contract and Grant Administration (CGA).
- Sponsored Programs Administration – oversees and supports OSP and CGA.
- Institutional approval must be granted through the Kuali Research system before a proposal is submitted to a sponsor. OSP staff (or BC staff as applicable) are Authorized Organizational Representatives for MSU proposals and negotiating and executing awards.
- SPA/OSP/CGA are liaisons to sponsoring agency administrative representatives.
- Contact a Proposal Team member through your department/college support person if you are transferring grants from another institution and Business Connect if you are continuing collaboration with a company.
- Web resources are organized by the award life cycle and include a wealth of information with tools, job aids, and videos. Good starting points on the SPA/OSP/CGA site are listed below:
Tour Campus and Make Connections
Self-Guided Tour of MSU Campus
MSU is currently offering in-person campus visits that include a guided walking tour. These in-person visit options can be found through our visit page. If you are unable to reserve a spot for a campus visit for any reason, or if you prefer to explore our campus independently, you and your guests are welcome to undertake a self-guided tour.
Campus Connections
Michigan State University is a large campus with many different opportunities. Sometimes, connecting with colleagues who share research interests or values can help make an enormous campus feel more like a community. Click here to find your community.