Dr. Sarah Gretter is the Director of the Apple Developer Academy with Michigan State University in Detroit. Her work focuses on rethinking the future of education to adapt to today’s realities. She merges Learning Experience Design with Systems Thinking to create new educational opportunities. Her approach is anchored in Participatory Action Research, a framework centered on the belief that those who are most impacted by research should be the ones taking the lead in framing the questions, the design, methods, and the modes of analysis of such research projects. Prior to leading the Apple Developer Academy, Sarah was the Associate Director of Michigan State University’s Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology and led large-scale, campus wide learning experience design projects.

Dr. Gretter is the author of Design for Change in Higher Education with John Hopkins University Press. She earned an Ed.M. in Education from Harvard University and her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology from Michigan State University.