2023-24 Learning Community Topics

  • Arts-Based Research Methodologies Learning and Project Development Group
  • COIL curriculum integration for course content internationalization
  • Decolonizing the University
  • Digital Collaborative Learning for the 21st Century 2.0
    • Stokes Schwartz, Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities, stokessc@msu.edu
    • Marohang Limbu, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures (WRAC), limbu@msu.edu
  • Disability Dynamics: Theory, Accessibility, and Practice at MSU
    • Jessica Lutz, Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities, lutzjes1@msu.edu
    • Hannah Huey-Jones, Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities, hueyjon1@msu.edu
  • Equitable pedagogy: Removing barriers to learning
  • Expanding the Definition of Community Engaged Learning: From Theory to Practice
  • Feminist Community-Engagement Disrupted: Writing our scholarship stories
    • Chelsea Wentworth, Office of Medical Education Research and Development, wentwo21@msu.edu
    • Jessica Barnes-Najor, University Outreach and Engagement, barnes33@msu.edu
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant & Postdoc Teaching Learning Community
  • IAH 321
    • Garth Sabo, Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts & Humanities, sabogart@msu.edu
    • Stokes Schwartz, Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts & Humanities, stokessc@msu.edu
    • Sarah Panuska, Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts & Humanities, panuskas@msu.edu
  • Inclusivity in STEM: Creating Standards of Inclusivity and Mapping Pathways of Support
  • Learning Community for Supporting International Student Success
  • MSU Trauma Services and Training Network
  • Navigating Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models in the Classroom
  • Teaching & Learning in Veterinary Medical and Animal Science Education
  • The Large-Course Learning Community
    • Brandy Ellison, Center for Integrative Studies in Social Science, belliso1@msu.edu
    • Eddie Boucher, Center for Integrative Studies in Social Science, bouche50@msu.edu

2022-23 Learning Community Topics

  • Accessibility for Teaching and Learning in Language Instruction and Beyond
    • Caitlin Cornell, Center for Language Teaching Advancement, cornel28@msu.edu
    • Adam Gacs, Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures (LiLaC), gacs@msu.edu
  • Action Research in STEM Courses
  • COIL curriculum integration for course content internationalization
  • Critical Community Engaged Learning: From Theory to Practice
  • Decolonizing the University
  • Digital Collaborative Learning for the 21st Century
    • Stokes Schwartz, Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities, stokessc@msu.edu
    • Marohang Limbu, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures (WRAC), limbu@msu.edu
  • Equitable pedagogy: Removing barriers to learning
  • Feminist Community-Engagement Disrupted: Writing our scholarship stories
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant & Postdoc Teaching Learning Community (GTAP TLC)
  • Learning Community for Supporting International Student Success
    • Opal Leeman Bartzis, Office for Education Abroad (ISP), bartziso@msu.edu
    • Joyce Meier, Department of Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures (CAL), meierjo@msu.edu
  • Learning Community: How to Build an Inclusive STEM Classroom and Lab
  • MSU Trauma Services and Training Network (MSU TSTN)
  • Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Practices Learning Community
  • Reflective Listening Practice towards Humanizing Across Differences
  • Teaching 2030: Exploring Extended Reality (XR) in Higher Education
    • Chris Shaltry, Department of Physiology, shaltryc@msu.edu
    • Rabindra “Robby” Ratan, Department of Media and Information, rar@msu.edu
  • Teaching and Learning in Large-Format Courses
    • Eddie Boucher, Center for Integrative Studies in Social Science, bouche50@msu.edu
    • Brandy Ellison, Center for Integrative Studies in Social Science, belliso1@msu.edu
  • Teaching for Equity and Social Justice in Medical Education
    • Sean Valles, Center for Bioethics and Social Justice, valles@msu.edu
    • Emiko Blalock, Office of Medical Education Research and Development, blalocka@msu.edu

2021-22 Learning Community Topics

  • Alternative modes of delivering early literacy and language instruction (AMELLI) – Moving Forward
  • Anti-Racist Educator Dialogue Group
  • B.E.A.T.S. – Bridging Experiments in Arts, Technology and Science
  • Community Engaged Learning: From Theory to Practice
  • Community-building in the classroom: Including DEI principles as part of the curriculum
  • Creating Equitable Instruction through Universal Design for Learning
  • Creative Teaching Approaches Based on Classroom Setup and Technology
  • Department of Animal Science Teaching and Learning Community
  • Designing Physical Post-Pandemic Learning Spaces
  • Engineering and Social Justice
  • Feminist Community-Engagement Disrupted
  • Global Engagement in Teaching and Learning
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching & Learning Community
  • Learning Community for Supporting International Student Success
  • Mindful Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • MSU Trauma Services and Training Network (TSTN)
  • Open Pedagogy Learning Community
  • Reading Group for Student Engagement and Success
  • Sharing Process Improvement Tools in Undergraduate Internships and Experiential Education
  • STEM Assessment Across STEM Spaces
  • Teaching for Equity and Social Justice in Medical Education
  • Team-Based Teaching and Learning Network (TBTLN)
  • Tier II Writing Learning Community

2020-21 Learning Community Topics

  • Accessible Course Design: Instruction for All through Universal Design for Learning
  • Adams Academy 2.0 Learning Community
  • Alternative Modes for Early Literacy and Language Instruction
  • Anti-Racist Strategies for Teaching, Learning and Faculty Development Efforts
  • Department of Animal Science Teaching and Learning Community (ANS TLC)
  • Digital Humanities Pedagogy Learning Community
  • GTA Virtual Lunch & Learn Best Practices TLC (Teaching Learning Community)
  • HOBI@CANR = Hybrid, Online and Blended Instruction at CANR
  • Interdisciplinary Design Collaborative (a learning community)
  • Mindful Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • MSU Trauma Services and Training Network (TSTN)
  • Open Pedagogy and Open Educational Practices Learning Community
  • Restorative Justice
  • Sharing Process Improvement Tools in Undergraduate Internships and Experiential Education
  • Team-Based Teaching and Learning Network (TBTLN)
  • Tier II Writing Faculty Learning Community
  • Veterinary – Medical School Collaborative Community
  • Water Infrastructure: The Interface of Natural and Built Environments in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Communities

2019-20 Learning Community Topics

  • Accessible Course Design: Instruction for All through Universal Design for Learning
  • Adams 2.0
  • Building Capacity for Inclusive Excellence in Research Mentoring @ MSU
  • Building Effective Data Science Learning Communities
  • Charting the Future of Online Graduate Education at Michigan State University
  • Department of Animal Science Teaching and Learning Community
  • Digital Humanities Pedagogy Learning Community
  • Diversifying and Contextualizing Agriculture and Natural Resources Education
  • Exploring Data and Computing Ethics Curricula
  • Human Centered Design Practitioners Learning Community
  • Hybrid, Online, and Blended Instruction at CANR
  • Identity Formation and Passing in Global Contexts
  • Interdisciplinary Design Collaborative
  • Medical Educator Roles and Identity in the Age of Integrated Curricula
  • Military-Affiliated Students Learning Community
  • Mindful Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • MSU Trauma Services Training Network
  • Restorative Justice
  • Sharing process Improvement Tools in Undergraduate Internships and Experiential Education
  • Student Transitions
  • Teaching Maker Pedagogies in Nonmaker Classes: A Partnership with Lansing Makers Network
  • Teaching with your Strenghts
  • Team-Based Learning Group
  • The Medical Student Experience as Data: Introduction to Qualitative Research
  • Transforming Teaching Through Reflective Writing Experiences
  • Trans-Regional Studies Scholarly Writing Group
  • Water Infrastructure: The Interface of Natural and Buildt Environments in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Communities
  • What if, we visited the art museum?

2018-19 Learning Community Topics

  • Accessible Course Design: Instruction for all through Universal Design for Learning
  • Adams 2.0
  • Africa R&D Connect
  • Charting the Future of Online Graduate Education
  • Consortium for Compassionate Well-being
  • Digital Humanities Pedagogy
  • Food and Housing Insecurity
  • Interrogating Identity Formation and Passing in Global Contexts
  • Non-Tenure and Specialist Faculty Identities
  • Racism, Privilege, and Power: MSU Extension
  • Teaching and Learning in the Department of Animal Science
  • Transforming Teaching Through Reflective Writing Experiences

2017-18 Learning Community Topics

  • Accessibility through Creative Innovation
  • Adams Academy 2.0: Going Public with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Feedback and Formative Assessment in MSU Classrooms
  • Insights and Beyond: How Can Course-Based Analytics Be Useful to Instructors?

2016-17 Learning Community Topics

  • Accessibility through Creative Innovation
  • Assessment, Instructional Best Practices and Continuous Improvement of Student Learning in General Science Education
  • Enriching the Faculty-International Student Experience
  • GLBTQ Faculty
  • Integrity and Ethics on Campus
  • What Shapes the Way We Teach? Four Lenses for Critical Reflection

2015-16 Learning Community Topics

  • A Community of Inquiry Exploring Active Learning Strategies and Spaces
  • Academic Integrity and Ethics on Campus
  • Accessibility through Creative Innovation
  • Assessment, Instructional Best Practices and Continuous Improvement of Student Learning in General Science Education
  • Lilly Teaching Fellows 2.0
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • Enriching the Faculty-International Student Experience
  • What Shapes the Way We Teach? Four Lenses for Critical Reflection

2014-15 FLC Topics

  • Assessment, Instructional Best Practices, and Continuous Improvement of
  • Facilitating Collaboration: Creating a Diversity Hub
  • FLC on Educating for Academic Integrity
  • Flipping the Class and Using a REAL (Room for Engaged and Active Learning) Space
  • Learn2Design with Desire2Learn
  • Managing Complex Social and Environmental Problems through Collaborative and Systemic Approaches to Inquiry and Action
  • Student Learning in General Science Education
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • What Shapes the Ways We Teach? Reflecting on Teaching, Renewing Ourselves

2013-14 Learning Community Topics

  • Best Practices to Maximize Learning Experiences of International Students: Focus on China, Korea, and India
  • Collaborative Programmatic Assessment of Student Learning in General Science Education
  • Interprofessional Education in Healthcare: A Faculty Development Learning Community
  • Learn2Design with Desire2Learn
  • NeGra – Networks and Graphs Workgroup
  • Proven Practices for Academic Success by Students of Color
  • Revitalizing Critical Thinking through Discussion-Based Teaching and Learning
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • Teaching Performances Across the Curriculum
  • Using Exploratory Writing to Support Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning Within the Disciplines

2012-13 Learning Community Topics

  • Best Practices to Maximize the Learning Experiences of International Students: Focus on China, Korea, and India
  • Collaborative Programmatic Assessment of Student Learning in General Science Education
  • Demystifying Discussion-Based Teaching and Learning
  • Innovation Adoption in Sustainable Development and Placemaking
  • Interprofessional Education Continuing Medical Education
  • A Longitudinal Exploration of Interprofessional Practice Excellence: From Faculty Development to Improved Patient Care
  • Leadership Skills for Faculty in a Team-Taught Curriculum
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)s and Other Online Educational Environments
  • Proven Practices for Academic Success by Students of Color
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • Teaching with Technology: Blended and Online Learning
  • Transformational Learning through Creativity in STEM disciplines
  • Using Exploratory Writing to Support Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning Within the Disciplines

2011-12 Learning Community Topics

  • Collaborative Programmatic Assessment of Student Learning in General Science Education
  • Creativity in STEM Disciplines
  • Effectively Engaging Students in Difficult Dialogues
  • Innovation Adoption in Sustainable Development and Placemaking
  • Interprofessional Practice Excellence: Exploring Educational Models, Synergies, and Barriers
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • Promoting Teaching Excellence and Quality Student Learning in Integrative Studies
  • Moving Ethnic Studies from the Margin to the Mainstream
  • Using Exploratory Writing to Support Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines
  • Proven Practices to Support Academic Success for Students of Color
  • Teaching with Technology:  Blended and Online Learning

2010-11 Learning Community Topics

  • Evaluating Teaching Excellence Across Academic Cultures
  • Incorporating Active Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning in Large Lecture Courses
  • Inquiry-Based Problem Set Development for Molecular Cell Biology
  • Negotiating Sexual and Gender Identity as an Instructor
  • Promoting Long-Term Retention and Student Learning in the Sciences
  • Promoting Teaching Excellence and Quality Student Learning in Integrative Studies
  • Supporting Graduate Students’ Scholarly Reading
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • Teaching with Technology: Blended and Online Learning
  • Writing in the Sciences: Teaching and Learning
  • X-Word Grammar and International Students Writing: New Approaches in Perspective and Technology

2009-10 Learning Community Topics

  • Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment
  • Effective Teaching in Large Classes
  • Promoting Teaching Excellence and Quality Student Learning in Integrative Studies
  • Quality Issues in Online Learning
  • Science Writing: Teaching and Learning
  • Sustainability Across the Curriculum
  • Teaching and Learning Abroad

2008-09 Learning Community Topics

  • Advancing Global Competence through Teaching and Learning Abroad
  • Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment
  • Effective Teaching in Large Classes
  • Enhancing the First-Year Experience at MSU
  • Experimental Approaches to Teaching Writing across the Curriculum
  • Learning About Our Learners
  • Quality Issues in Online Learning (formerly focusing on Challenges and Opportunities in Blended ‘Teaching and Learning’)
  • Scientists and Writers: Sharing Our Knowledge of Teaching Writing in the Biological Sciences
  • Sustainability Across the Curriculum

2007-08 Learning Community Topics

  • Challenges and Opportunities in Blended Teaching and Learning
  • Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment
  • Effective Teaching in Large Classes
  • Enhancing the First-Year Experience at MSU
  • Experimental Approaches to Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum (EATWAC), or Thinking Outside the box and other Pedagogical Puzzles
  • Scientists and Writers: Sharing Our Knowledge of Teaching Writing in the Biological Sciences

2006-07 Learning Community Topics

  • Challenges and Opportunities in Blended Teaching and Learning
  • Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment
  • Enhancing the First-Year Experience at MSU
  • Scientists and Writers: Sharing Our Knowledge of Teaching Writing in the Biological Sciences

2005-06 Learning Community Topics

  • Confronting the Challenges of Teaching Hybrid/Blended Courses
  • Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment
  • Hybrid Learning: Strategies, tactics and implementation
  • MindGames: Teaching and Learning with Games and Simulations​
  • Scholarly Discussions on Problem Solving
  • Teaching Writing in the Disciplines: An Extended Conversation about Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
  • Visual Literacy and Pedagogy