Coming back from spring break, we always seem to feel a mix of emotions. Perhaps some renewed perspective following a bit of time away, recognition that some things on the extensive to-do list will still get done and some likely will not, and a bit of wondering, “how am I really doing and how would I know?” The state of uncertainty that often accompanies the last part of the academic year is made greater for many by circumstances in the world beyond our control. Shades of recent spring terms passed come to mind, and finding focus and clarity is often a challenge.

That said, a few things come to mind as we focus on the remainder of the term. One is being sure you have your feedback loops activated where possible. While it is true that many questions do not yet have concrete answers, it is still possible to be in conversation with mentors and allies to develop a “Plan B” that helps us continue moving forward. We have had to do this before, and even though the catalysts creating confusion and stress may not be the same, the need to think about next steps in different ways could be. It is also annual review time for faculty and academic staff, providing an opportunity to engage with a department chair, review committee, or senior colleague about the progress you are making on your academic journey here, especially if there is a need to pause, redirect, or reimagine next steps along the way. Areas where you are hitting it out of the park or where there is room for improvement, opportunities to engage and find support, ways of communicating your work better to others, etc., are all important kinds of feedback one needs to know how to plan for the future and to feel good about what has been accomplished.

No doubt, we each have ways by which to ground ourselves and refind our centers – those routines that provide a sense of normalcy during unsettling times or that give us time to focus in on our thoughts; actually being authentically present in that class we love teaching or those engaging interview transcripts; really reflecting with intentionality on decisions being made in our work; seeing campus greenery return to life after the winter as a sign that spring is really coming. Whatever strategies work for you, it can be a good time to reengage them. If you are looking for a different way to energize during the weeks ahead, there are numerous opportunities across campus to pursue, especially as the weather continues to improve. Perhaps our paths will cross walking along the river watching the ducks or sitting on a bench with a cup of coffee or (tea!) in hand. Here’s to all that the next few weeks have to offer each of us in the Spartan community
