The primary strategy that AAN uses to support research and scholarship is to provide support related to building and cultivating sustainable research, scholarship and creative activities of faculty and academic staff at MSU. Recognizing that research is one domain of an integrated academic career, we seek to develop and collaborate on opportunities that position individuals to leverage connections of scholarship and research to other career domains.

Our efforts to date include several focus areas related to increasing research and scholarship productivity and associated impactful outcomes:

  1. research development,
  2. research cultivation, and
  3. integrating research with other career domains.

Much of this area of AAN’s work progresses through partnerships with a range of units on campus, as well as through consulting with individuals and small groups. Recent efforts include:

  • consultations with junior faculty and faculty peer mentoring groups in individual colleges and developmental work on faculty support and development in specific units,
  • developing and revising collaborative strategies for funding acquisition.

Another major effort of AAN has been to facilitate connections across the campus of individuals doing similar work, yet who may be siloed in units across campus. One example arising from the research and scholarship area of AAN’s work is the co-convening of individuals working in multiple areas of evaluation and the research-evaluation interface at MSU. This group and its recent efforts demonstrate the strength that can come from collaborative thinking and engaging.

We look forward to facilitating additional such groups to continue supporting the efforts of our colleagues across the landscape of research, scholarship and creative activities.
